This one pops with an elastic swagger as Jones bends and caresses notes, taking on the lead melodies while somehow laying down the bottom end simultaneously. It takes an extraordinary breed of musician to execute such expertise and expression and on Let There Be Bass, Wayne Jones is at his virtuosic best. As always, drummer Fallon Williams navigates the musical traffic flow with ease and offers the perfect foundation for all to groove upon. Guitarist Isaiah Sharkey dabs a couple of wah wah coloured sweeps to the canvas, as the bigger picture emerges. Rick Braun accepts his time to shine with delight and contributes a sublime flugel horn solo mid-song. By now they’re all in the pocket, submerged in a warm, hearty soup of a song that you just can’t get enough of.
Solo & Groove basses – Wayne Jones
Drums – Fallon Williams
Keys – Philippe Saisse
Guitar – Isaiha Sharkey
Trumpet – Rick Braun
Percussion programming – André Berry
Written and produced by Wayne Jones, as well as recorded with his own high-end Wayne Jones AUDIO WJBPII Bass Pre-Amp and WJ 2×10 Powered Bass Cabinets. Once again, immaculately mixed and mastered by ace Australian producer/engineer Steve Scanlon (Sound Management Australia) on Jones Scanlon Studio Monitors.
~ Greg Philips, Editor Australian Musician Magazine